A summary of the Having Your Say – HomePlace Listens project is provided below.
The project coordinator was Jenny Munro, with the project commencing in September 2019 and concluding in February 2020.
This summary explains what people have told us and what we are going to do.
The Having Your Say – HomePlace Listens project was commissioned by the Quality and Safety Committee of the HomePlace Board of Management.
The project collected feedback from participants, families, advocates and staff and followed some lines of enquiry important to the management of HomePlace.
We wanted to know what people thought about:
- The size of HomePlace.
- Whether people felt safe to make a complaint.
- Whether Homeplace staff worked according to the values held by the organisation.
People told us the following:
- HomePlace has strong organisational values and culture.
- There are high levels of trust and confidence in HomePlace.
- People felt that HomePlace is person-focused, provides individualised support, and reinforces strong relationships between participants and support staff.
- There is good communication between HomePlace leadership, support staff, families, and participants.
The responses from participants and families affirmed that HomePlace’s values are experienced day to day by participants and their families. This can be seen in the many examples that people shared.
Many families had chosen HomePlace on the basis of HomePlace’s reputation for providing quality, individualised support services to people, and being an organisation that is true to its values.
Participants and families – all reported feeling capable and comfortable to communicate concerns.
What we are going to do:
All feedback, comments and suggestions have been gathered and become part of the improvement planning for HomePlace.
The management of HomePlace is very grateful to all people who provided information for this project, and to Jenny Munro for her work in pulling it all together.