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HomePlace response to COVID 19 pandemic: 30th November 2020

SA Health have lifted some restrictions as from 1st December 2020. SA Health however do advise caution and we must keep in mind the following advice remains in place:

Vulnerable people are encouraged to stay at home and avoid having visitors.

As from the 18th November, staff who are supporting participants in their home, including shared living, have been directed to wear a mask if they are less than 1.5 metres from a participant. This is now a directive from SA Health and the NDIS.

As from 1st December 2020 the following apply:

  • If a participant wishes to return to out of home activities that are acceptable under current Health Guidelines, an individual risk assessment must be undertaken.
    Please refer to:

    • Appendix 1; Guidelines: Participants returning to out of home activities shared households or
    • Appendix 2; Guidelines: Participants returning to out of home activities individual/community support

      Please note that earlier in the year we required risk assessments and it is likely these risk assessments can be quickly updated to reflect the current circumstances.

  • Visitors are welcome to visit shared homes, and the precautions to ensure safety remain in place. Please refer to Appendix 3; Guidelines: Visiting family members in shared households.
  • Please note that SA Health have limited homes to 10 people due to the challenge of social distancing.
  • We will not be supporting participants on public transport.
  • We are encouraging participants to wear a mask when they leave their home, but we understand this is not always possible.

We will be reviewing the guidelines on or before 14th December 2020. We understand that many of our participants are struggling with the restrictions especially as this is a time of year of parties and fun. We were disappointed to have to postpone the Christmas Party but please be assured we will have a celebration which, if all goes well, will occur at the end of January.

We trust these guidelines provide the flexibility to respond to participant wishes and ensure the safety of all our participants and their support team.

These are difficult times and decisions are made on the best advice possible at the time.

We thank you for your support as we seek to steer HomePlace participants and staff through this health crisis.

If you have any queries, please feel free to email either Shirley at or Denice at or call the HomePlace Office on (08) 8445 9900.

Shirley Paterson

Executive Director

Denice Wharldall

Executive Director

Appendix 1

Guidelines Participants returning to out of home activities shared living

If a participant wishes to return to out of home activities that are acceptable under current Health Guidelines, an individual risk assessment must be undertaken. This risk assessment also includes risks to HomePlace staff who may accompany the participant.

Only the Executive Directors can give approval for HomePlace staff to support a participant in accessing out of home activities. We believe this is preferable to having hard and fast rules as every situation is different.

Consideration should be given to:

  • Participants’ other health issues that make them more vulnerable should they contract COVID 19. If unsure, please seek advice from the participants’ GP or specialist physician.
  • The vulnerability of their co-tenant if they share their home with another participant.
  • The safeguards in place at the activity to ensure the appropriate hygiene measures, safety and appropriate social distancing
  • The ability of the participant to maintain social distance.
  • The ability of others attending the same activity to manage social distancing and the appropriate hygiene required.
  • If appropriate, the decision should be made in consultation with the key people in the participants life. If there is a formal guardian in place, this should be discussed with them.

If approval is given, then the following guidelines apply:

  • If HomePlace is transporting the participant, the vehicle used must be cleaned before and after the transport as per Homeplace Guidelines.
  • On returning from the activity, the participant must go straight to their room and change clothes and shoes, wash their hands, and all surfaces the person has touched should be wiped down.
  • If at any time a staff member, participant or family member has concerns about safety, the activity will cease until a review occurs.
  • If any respiratory symptoms occur, no matter how mild, the person must stay home and organise testing.

We trust these guidelines provide the flexibility to respond to participant wishes and ensure the safety of all our participants and their support team.

These are difficult times and decisions are made on the best advice possible at the time.

Appendix 2

Guidelines: Participants returning to out of home activities individual/community support

If a participant wishes to return to out of home activities that are acceptable under current Health Guidelines an individual risk assessment must be undertaken. This risk assessment also includes risks to HomePlace staff who may accompany the participant.

In order to ensure consistency only the Executive Directors can give approval for HomePlace staff to support a participant access out of home activities. We believe this is preferable to having hard and fast rules as every situation is different.

Consideration should be given to:

  • The safeguards in place at the activity to ensure the appropriate hygiene measures, safety and appropriate social distancing.
  • The ability of the participant to maintain social distance.
  • The ability of others attending the same activity to manage social distancing and the appropriate hygiene required.
  • If appropriate, the decision should be made in consultation with the key people in the participants life. If there is a formal guardian in place, this should be discussed with them.

If approval is given, then the following guidelines apply:

  • If HomePlace is transporting the participant, the vehicle used must be cleaned before and after the transport as per Homeplace Guidelines.
  • If at any time a staff member, participant or family member has concerns about safety, the activity will cease until a review occurs.
  • If any respiratory symptoms occur, no matter how mild, the person must stay home and organise testing.

We trust these guidelines provide the flexibility to respond to participant wishes and ensure the safety of all our participants and their support team.

These are difficult times and decisions are made on the best advice possible at the time.

Appendix 3

Guidelines: Visiting family members in shared households

Visitors are welcome, however, to minimise the risk of infection, visiting includes strict safety precautions in line with the government advice.

This means:

  • Please organise your visit ahead of time to ensure we can support social distancing and that we do not have too many visitors at one time.
  • Please answer the Coronavirus questionnaire, this applies to any visit. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please do not visit. (see questionnaire attached)
  • All visitors will have their temperature checked (anyone with a temperature of 37.4 or above will not be permitted to visit).
  • Hand hygiene upon entry and exit.
  • Social distancing (1.5 metres).
  • A maximum of two people visiting at one time.
  • No children under 16 years to visit unless with prior approval from an Executive Director
  • Visits should take place in a room large enough to help with social distancing. Please note that some rooms will not allow for more than one visitor at any one time. Please talk to the support staff before your visit so they can arrange a space for you.
  • Please have your flu vaccination.

Please do not visit if you:

  • Have a fever or any (even mild) symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath).
  • Are waiting for COVID-19 test results.
  • Returned from outside of South Australia (overseas or interstate) in the last 14 days.
  • Have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

We also understand that some family and friends may choose not to visit in order to protect the health of their loved ones. Therefore, maintaining virtual connections through video calls and other electronic means will of course continue.

We trust these guidelines provide the flexibility to respond to participant wishes and ensure the safety of all our participants and their support team. These are difficult times and decisions are made on the best advice possible at the time.

COVID-19 Visitor Questionnaire

Visitors name:
Staff members name:
Date and time:
I/we confirm I/we:

  • do not have a fever or any (even mild) symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath).
  • have not returned from a restricted area in the last 14 days.
  • have not been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Temperature check

  • temperature is below 37.4

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