Dear Family/friends and advocates
Re: Update on what Homeplace is doing in relation to the Coronavirus
What a roller coaster ride this has been for South Australians. As a result of the latest update from SA Health, the following will apply as from Sunday 22nd November up to and including Monday 30th November.
The advice from 16 November still applies:
Vulnerable people are encouraged to stay at home and avoid having visitors.
1. Out of Home Activities
- We will no longer support Participants out of their home unless it is for a necessary medical/health appointment.
- For participants in shared living, we will not be supporting participants to attend their day options and work.
- Any variation from this will need to be approved by an Executive Director.
We understand that with Christmas around the corner, this is very disappointing for participants and their families. Please be assured we will lift the restriction as soon as it is safe to do so.
2. Shopping
- For participants in shared living, the Senior Support Worker and Senior Coordinator will determine the best way to buy food and medication for participants.
- For participants who live on their own or whose family may require support with food purchasing, the Senior Coordinator will work with each participant and their staff team to determine how we ensure the participant has food. This may include a staff member doing the shopping for a person rather than supporting the person to shop.
3. In home and Community Support
The current rostered arrangements negotiated with the Senior Coordinator remain in place until Thursday 26th November.
- With HomePlace not providing recreation and out of home support some participants may need an alternative service/support to ensure their welfare.
- An example is a participant who lives on their own and has a 3-hour recreation shift, this may be converted to welfare check drop ins on a regular basis. Please be assured we will ensure Participants are not left with no one to assist them through this difficult time.
- Senior Coordinators will work with participants, families and staff teams to determine the best way to ensure participants are safe
4. Visitors to shared living homes
We are not stopping visiting however please find outlined below our guidelines related to visits:
- Please organise your visit ahead of time to ensure we can support social distancing and that we do not have too many visitors at one time.
- Please answer the Coronavirus questionnaire, this applies to any visit. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please do not visit.
- All visitors will have their temperature checked (anyone with a temperature of 37.4 or above will not be permitted to visit)
- Hand hygiene upon entry and exit.
- Social distancing (1.5 metres).
- A maximum of two people visiting at one time.
- No children under 16 years to visit please, except on compassionate grounds.
- Visits should take place in a room large enough to help with social distancing. Please note some rooms will not allow for more than one visitor at any one time. Please talk to the support staff before your visit so they can arrange a space for you.
- Please have your flu vaccination
If you have any queries, please feel free to email me at or call the HomePlace Office on (08) 8445 9900.
Denice Wharldall
Executive Director